
Menstrual Disc & Cup

If you have pain with insertion of tampons or other menstrual products pelvic floor PT can help!

Menstrual discs sit under the cervix with the rim tucked behind pubic bone. They don’t rely on suction for a seal. Menstrual cups sit in the vaginal canal and a seal keeps the cup in place.

Benefits include:

▪️4-6 tampon capacity

▪️Can be worn up to 12 hrs (day or night and even during intimacy)

▪️Last up to 10 yrs

▪️Finger notch for easy removal

▪️No toxic chemicals (like some tampons and pads)

▪️Doesn’t cause dryness like a tampon 

✨For 15% off Saalt products here when you use code DOC15✨

If you have an IUD or contraceptive ring check with your doctor 1st!

Aim to Wake Up at the Same Time Everyday

Strive to get 7-9 hours of sleep😴 per night. This helps down-regulate the sympathetic nervous system, leading to improved pain sensitivity, energy levels, and tissue healing.

Aim to wake up at the same time every day (including weekends) and expose yourself to bright natural light☀️ in the morning.

Falling asleep between 9 and 11 PM is a helpful guideline as it often aligns with natural circadian rhythms.

Establish a consistent and relaxing bedtime routine. Consider activities like taking a warm bath🛁 , reading a book📖, journaling, meditating🧘‍♀️, or stretching. @insighttimer is a great relaxation app!


▪️Eating, working, and watching TV📺 in bed

▪️Vigorous exercise🏋️‍♀️ within 1 hr of bedtime

▪️Caffeine☕️ intake at least 4 hrs before bedtime

▪️Alcohol🍷 (can disrupt sleep pattern and increase the # of times you wake up during the night)

▪️Eating a large meal🍽️ or spicy food 2-3 hrs before bed

▪️Excessive fluid intake 2-3 hrs before bed

▪️Screen time📱within 30 min of bedtime (the content can be stimulating and the blue light emitted disrupts melatonin production)

If you feel the need to nap, limit it to less than 30 minutes and avoid napping in the evening.

Sleep plays a vital role in immune function, tissue healing, pain modulation, cardiovascular health🫀, cognitive function🧠, neuroplasticity, learning and memory📚, neuroprotection, elimination of neurotoxic waste, and metabolic and endocrine functions.

Chronic sleep deprivation is associated with the development of conditions such as depression, anxiety, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, and cancer. 

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

In low level laser therapy (LLLT) light💡 absorbed through the skin stimulates mitochondrial functions which increases cellular metabolism and decreases inflammation.

LLLT Promotes:

- Collagen production

- Blood flow 🩸

- Nerve regeneration ⚡️

- RNA/DNA synthesis

- ATP production

LLLT Uses:

- Tissue healing (ex: tendon & ligament injuries, scar tissue)

- Pain management (ex: low back & neck pain)

- Post Mastectomy Lymphedema

- Neurological conditions (ex: carpal tunnel syndrome)

- Arthritis

I use LLLT on clients with scar tissue, clogged milk ducts, lymphatic insufficiency, and tendon & ligament injuries.