
DIY Padsicles:

1️⃣ Purchase your favorite pads

2️⃣ Add aloe vera gel and witch hazel (alcohol free)

3️⃣ Save them in a ziplock bag in the freezer for the 1st few days postpartum 

Your perineum will likely be sore, red, and swollen after delivery. Ice can help decrease pain, inflammation, and swelling. Try using a peri wash bottle after urinating to avoid discomfort from wiping. 

Pelvic floor exercises can help increase blood flow and promote healing. It’s great to work with a pelvic floor therapist during pregnancy and postpartum. 

Postpartum Tip - Use Lube!

Pain with intimacy after childbirth? You’re not alone! Many moms experience this, often due to v@ginal dryness from decreased estrogen levels, which can lead to discomfort during intimacy. The right lubricant can make a huge difference! If you’re still feeling discomfort after trying these, reach out to a pelvic PT!

Water-based (Slippery Stuff and Good Clean Love)

✔️ Safe with silicone, contraceptives, and toys

✔️ Fragrance free

✔️ Non-staining

✖️ Dries out / absorbs more quickly and may require reapplication

Silicone-based (Uber Lube)

✔️ Long-lasting / requires fewer applications

✔️ Compatible with natural rubber latex and polyisoprene condoms

✖️ Not compatible with polyurethane condoms and not recommended for use with silicone (not safe for most toys)

✖️ Can cause staining of sheets

Oil-based (typically coconut oil or olive oil)

✔️ Affordable

✖️ Can cause staining of sheets

✖️ Can’t be used with latex condoms

✖️ Must use a clean container, not the container used for cooking

What to AVOID in a lubricant:

🚫 Glycerin and Glycerol

🚫 Parabens

🚫 Glycols

🚫 Nonoxynol-9

🚫 Chlorhexidine gluconate

Postpartum Belly Wraps

Belly wraps can be a great tool postpartum! I like the bands from Belly Bendit (15% off code PelvisRestored15)

Some mamas love belly wraps because:

🌸 They feel more supported and stronger early postpartum, making it easier to lift baby or move in bed.

🌸 After a C-section, it provides helpful compression at the scar, especially when coughing, laughing or sneezing.

🌸 It may help close a diastasis by keeping your abdominal muscles closer together.

🌸 It can ease low back pain.

⚠️ Signs you might not be wearing the band correctly:

- Pelvic pressure or heaviness

- Increased pain

- Urinary leaking

To wear your belly wrap correctly: video here

Position it low enough, with the bottom at your pubic bone. Keep it slightly looser at the top to avoid compressing your organs down onto your pelvic floor. If the band makes things worse, stop using it.

Don’t rely on the band as a crutch! You still need to engage your pelvic floor and core with exertion. Remember, a belly wrap is a helpful tool, but building a strong core is key! 💪 

Core and Pelvic Floor Support Garments/Bloomers

These are great to use during pregnancy and postpartum to provide a gentle compression and “lift” to the pelvic floor.

They can:

▪️Improve symptoms of pelvic pressure/pelvic organ prolapse, vulvar varicosities (varicose veins), round ligament pain, pubic symphysis pain, and C-section discomfort

▪️Provide C section scar compression/support

▪️Support diastasis recti (splitting of the 6-pack abdominals)

You still need a strong core - don’t rely on garments or bands to do all the work for you!

You may not be wearing garment or bands right if you experience increased:

- Pelvic pressure/heaviness

- Pain

- Urinary leaking

✨Consult your healthcare practitioner before wearing compression garments and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns✨

Postpartum Postures

#1: Forward head/rounded shoulders: This is common when holding or feeding a baby. Try your best to get out of this posture when you can as it can contribute to neck and upper back pain and affect breathing

#2: Pelvic shift: This posture is common when propping a baby up on your hip and can contribute to back pain and hip pain

#3: Swayback posture with the low back arched: This posture can cause low back pain and “mom pooch”

#4: Rounded back: This posture is common when assisting your baby to crawl or walk and can contribute to back pain 

These common prolonged postures when caring for kiddos👶 can contribute to muscle imbalances and pain.

Postural training can help prevent and alleviate pain, prolapse, incontinence, “mom pooch”, and hemorrhoids, as well as improve core strength💪 and breathing😮‍💨 patterns.

In general, it’s a good idea to:

▪️keep equal weight through both feet

▪️keep the rib cage stacked over the pelvis

▪️hold your baby in the middle of your body or wear an ergonomic carrier

▪️when reaching for something on the floor bend through your legs and keep your spine relatively straight 

I love the saying “the best posture is the next posture” - motion is lotion!

Diastasis Recti

DR is a widening of the space between the “6-pack” abs (rectus abdominis). DR can contribute to poor posture, low back pain, pelvic pain, abdominal pain, incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, and difficulty pushing during labor.

Pelvic floor physical therapy provides individualized guidance to ensure proper core muscle engagement, helping to strengthen and coordinate the abdominal wall through progressive abdominal loading. We can perform abdominal myofascial release, prescribe individualized exercises, and educate on pressure management. 

With DR try to avoid jackknifing/sitting straight up from lying down (instead log roll onto your side prior to sitting), sit ups/crunches, heavy lifting🏋️‍♂️ (squat or lunge when lifting instead of bending at the waist), and twisting activities. Working with a pelvic floor physical therapist👩‍⚕️ is helpful for preventing and healing DR! Pelvic floor physical therapy can help to ensure you are properly engaging your core muscles and provide individualized guidance to progressively load the abdominals. As you get stronger💪we can progress to lifting, crunching, and twisting activities.

Strengthening the core musculature prenatally, during pregnancy, and postpartum can help prevent and improve diastasis. With exercise ensure you’re not letting your belly bulge. You should be able to keep your belly drawn in and up towards the spine. If you’re unable to do this or you experience any of the 3 “P’s” (Pain, Pressure, or Pee your pants) modify the exercise.

Some people benefit from a postpartum belly support band (Belly Bandit is great - linked here). Wear the band low enough so the bottom is at the pubic bone, and it is slightly looser at top so it’s not compressing organs down. You can pull your belly up from under the band and in towards midline to avoid downward pressure and approximate the muscles. Take the band off if you experience pelvic pressure/heaviness, increased pain while wearing, or increased urinary leaking. Remember to not rely on the band to do work for you!

DR risk factors include:

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) occurs when pelvic tissues and muscles fail to support organs adequately. POP can have various causes, including straining during bowel movements or while emptying the bladder🚽, hormonal changes, heavy weightlifting🏋️‍♀️ with poor body mechanics, pregnancy🤰and childbirth, obesity, and connective tissue disorders.

Common symptoms of POP include:

▪️A sensation of pelvic heaviness or pressure

▪️Feeling as though something is falling out or bulging at the vaginal entrance

▪️Sensation of sitting on something or an obstruction during s3xual intercourse

▪️Voiding dysfunction, which may manifest as hesitancy, straining to urinate, a slow urine stream, a start-and-stop urine flow, post-void dribbling, incomplete emptying, and a need to lean forward, use digital pressure to elevate the bladder base, or apply digital pressure toward the rectum while on the toilet

Symptoms of POP typically follow a pattern:

▪️Absent in the morning

Increase in intensity throughout the day

▪️Relieved when lying down

▪️Worsen with or after prolonged periods of standing, walking, engaging in impact activities, performing deep squats, and as the day progresses

Pelvic floor physical therapy can help! Individuals with POP may have weakened pelvic floor muscles. However, some may also experience hypertonicity (excessive tension) or scar tissue that needs to be addressed first since these factors can affect the functionality of the pelvic floor muscles and their ability to contract effectively.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Types:

▪️Cystocele (bladder descent)

▪️Rectocele (rectum/posterior wall descent)

▪️Uterine prolapse (uterus descent)

▪️Urethrocele (urethral descent)

▪️Cystourethrocele (bladder + urethral descent)

▪️Enterocele (intestine descent)

▪️Rectal prolapse (rectum descent thru the rectal canal)

▪️V@ginal vault prolapse (descent of the upper portion of the v@gina)

Daily habits to prevent prolapse by decreasing load on the pelvic floor: 

▪️Have good bowel movements/manage constipation💩

- Avoid straining

- Use a @squattypotty or stool to get knees up to relax the muscles to allow stool to pass🚽

- Poos should be the shape and consistency of a ripe banana🍌

▪️Use proper breathing😮‍💨 and lifting mechanics - especially with heavy lifting🏋️‍♀️

▪️Work with a pelvic floor PT on postural, breathing, pressure management, body mechanics, and muscle training💪

▪️Manage chronic coughing

▪️Maintain a healthy weight 

We can help decrease pelvic organ prolapse (POP) symptoms! Here are some options:

▪️Revive & Poise Impressa - These can be used to help support the bladder or urethra during exercise, coughing, laughing, and sneezing with the goal is to stop leaking from happening. 

▪️Pessaries - An orthotic inserted v@aginally to help hold up the pelvic organs! These devices are fitted by a doctor and can be left in for months at a time and can even be worn during pregnancy. Many people choose to insert it in the morning and take it out in the evening.

▪️Support Garments - Go to my recommended products page (under pelvic compression) for links. 

V2 supporter

Groin bands

V-Sling band


- Posture, breathing, pressure management, and body mechanics training to decrease strain on the pelvic floor muscles

- Muscle training - We need pelvic floor muscle strength and coordination to support POP. Core, back, leg, and trunk musculature is also important to decrease strain on the pelvic floor muscles.

- Toileting mechanics to decrease strain on the pelvic organs

- Positioning and manual therapy for symptom management

Urinary Leakage from Urethra Hypermobility

Most of the time urinary leakage can be improved with pelvic floor physical therapy; however, sometimes urethral hypermobility plays a role.

Revive Bladder Support offers urethral support for bladder leaks due to urethral hypermobility. Revive can also be used as an over-the-counter pessary to alleviate symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse such as pelvic pressure, heaviness, or a sensation of bulging.

A pessary (an orthotic for the pelvic organs) is a cost-effective non-surgical option for prolapse. It’s important to consult with your healthcare provider to determine products appropriate for your specific condition.

Get 10% off Revive.

Pelvic Congestion/Varicose Veins

Pelvic congestion and varicosities (distended veins) can occur when pelvic veins become lax/enlarge to the point that there is no longer just one way movement of blood flow. Blood pooling can put pressure on parts of your pelvis or nerves⚡️ leading to discomfort. The appearance can fluctuate (can look like little freckles and can go away).

Symptoms can include:

▪️Pressure in the abdomen/pelvis

▪️Pain in the legs

▪️Asymmetrical/swelling of the labias

▪️Pain with intercourse (increased blood flow can pool)

▪️Pain with periods

▪️Urinary urgency/frequency

▪️Veins in the pelvis easily visible

▪️Spider veins in the legs

Symptoms are typically worse at the end of the day, with prolonged standing, and when pressure is applied to the abdomen or when bearing down (Valsalva/straining on the toilet). Typically, there is improvement with lying down.

Increased levels of estrogen during pregnancy🤰 can contribute to the pelvic veins being lax. Women who have multiple pregnancies may be more at risk due to the increased blood volume in the pelvis. Pregnancy cradle underwear (ex: V2 supporter, The Femme Jock) applies compression and can be helpful to wear during pregnancy for varicosities, edema, and feelings of pelvic pressure. Find discount codes in the link in my bio.

Some other ideas to help relieve symptoms include:

▪️Bridge positioning while lying down (can elevate hips under a pillow)

▪️Massage labia up towards groin

▪️Compression garments/biker shorts – wearing a V2 supporter can help

▪️Apply a cold compress (ex: frozen peas)

▪️Lymphatic drainage & lymph foam pads in underwear

▪️Walk regularly & do ankle pumps

▪️Avoid prolonged sitting/standing & crossing legs

✨These tips don’t substitute pelvic floor PT. Feel free to reach out if you are experiencing symptoms✨

MYTH: Cesarean Deliveries Avoid Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

The effects of pregnancy, scar tissue, and abdominal weakness can all impact the pelvic floor. 

Pelvic floor physical therapy is essential for C-section recovery! It helps improve core stability, address scar restrictions, enhance posture, and offers holistic pain management. Mobilizing adhesions can reduce sensitivity and enhance core and pelvic floor function. Scar tissue and adhesions can decrease mobility, leading to bladder, bowel, and sexual health symptoms. Take care of your body and seek pelvic floor therapy for a smoother recovery!